Accepted Sessions


Session Speaker(s) Experience level
How I Took Our Annual Escape Room Virtual # Joy Herr-Cardillo

For the past several years, the Legal Writing Department at the University of Arizona College of Law has ended our fall semester with an Escape Room Competition for all 1L students.

Hybrid Learning for a Hybrid Practice: Insight on Legal Education from the Unique JD Class of 2020 # Michael Murphy

Panel discussion on the future of distance learning in legal education featuring the unique perspective of new attorneys who graduated in May 2020. In just the past two years, the panelists have...


It is natural for students to lose steam toward the end of the semester in a traditional course or in a fully online course.

Look! New Things on! Elmer Masters

This session will be a quick walk through of changes to the CALI wesbite including highlights of the new theme, changes to navigation, and a new take on displaying Lessons.

À La Carte Library: Asynchronous Offerings for the Over-Scheduled Law School # Rachel Evans, Geraldine Kalim, Jason Tubinis, Heather J. Simmons, Amy Taylor, Stephen Wolfson

When face-to-face events went off-limits in 2020 law schools across the country raced to create instruction in virtual spaces. In many cases, law library’s were uniquely positioned to lead by...

Lessons Learned from Teaching an Access to Justice and Technology Course During the Pandemic # Jessica Frank, Alexander Rabanal, Amy Emerson, Charles Pipins

This session includes a panel of three law faculty who taught access to justice and technology courses in the past year.

Using Digital Escape Rooms in Synchronous or Asynchronous Online Classes Beth Caldwell

This session will provide an overview of how I designed and used a digital escape room to teach about interrogations in Constitutional Criminal Procedure. 

Modifying CALI Lessons with the New Web-Based CALI Author Platform Sara Smith

CALI has over 1,000 lessons available to its member schools. CALI Lessons are online, interactive tutorials that cover narrow topics of law. Now, it’s easier than ever to adapt CALI Lessons to...

New Skills for a Remote World: The Evolution of Instruction to Become Technologically Competent # Debbie Ginsberg

Title: New Skills for a Remote World: The Evolution of Instruction to Become Technologically Competent

With Jenny Wondrecek


Trial by Wire: Supervising Clinical Law Students in Virtual Courtrooms Serge Martinez, Aliza Organick

Trial by Wire: Supervising Clinical Law Students in Virtual Courtrooms

2020, THE YEAR OF DISTANCE ED: Moving Online ≠ Increased Tech Competency Instruction # Kathleen Brown, Jessica de Perio Wittman


Practical Magic: Hybrid Education & Beyond Emily Barney, Sejal Vaishnav

Picking up where our 2020 CALIcon session left off, we’ll provide an update on...

Using Technology to Cultivate Student Voices in Legal Education Pedagogy Jamie Abrams

This session examines more inclusive and conscientious practices actively managing classroom voices and professional identity formation.

Can LMS Analytics Help Law Schools Demonstrate Compliance with Outcome-Based Assessment of Student Learning Accreditation Rules? Jane Winn

Following the 2015 changes to American Bar Association accreditation rules, American law schools are now expected to demonstrate that they are developing valid measures of student learning...

The Gratitude-Motivation Connection & How Discussion Boards Can Encourage Both for Your Students # Michelle (Cheli) Hunt

The onset of the global pandemic and sudden transition to distance learning left many students feeling overwhelmed and lost in Spring 2020.  This was especially challenging for third-year law...

Remote Adjustments to a Law Practice Technology Exercise on Case Management Systems Jacob Sayward

This presentation covers:

1. Designing a Law Practice Technology course

2. Designing an exercise in this course, on case management systems

The Legal Research Institute: Law Library of Congress Educational Offerings in a Time of COVID-19 # Barbara Bavis

In this session, Barbara Bavis, the Bibliographic and Research Instruction Librarian of the Law Library of Congress, will discuss the distance learning initiatives offered by the Law Library...

Zoom Like a Pro Elisabeth Steele Hutchison

You've been zooming for more than a year.  But have you been ZOOMING?  Webcam like you mean it! 

Modernizing and improving access to the legal research lessons: 6 months with the CALI Fellows Sally Wise, Kristina Niedringhaus, Tawnya Plumb

Something exciting is happening to the approximately 75 CALI Legal Research Lessons. In January, The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction announced the formation of the Legal Research...

Closing the Law School Gap: A Collaborative Effort to Address Educational Inequities Through Free, Asynchronous Tools Steven Foster, Allie Robbins, Nicole Lefton, Melissa Hale, Laura Mott

The legal profession in the United States is currently 86% white and 63% male, making it among the least diverse professions in the country.

YACS - Yet Another COVID Strategy: a yac session David Dickens, Hong Kha

The storied account of how a team of misfit technologists turned the lights on for the luddites of law.
Everyone has a COVID response strategy come hear ours.

Active Learning: Using VR to Train Law Students (With an Introduction by Alexander-the-Cat) # Ann Nowak

This presentation explains how Virtual Reality can be used in legal education.
