New Skills for a Remote World: The Evolution of Instruction to Become Technologically Competent #


Title: New Skills for a Remote World: The Evolution of Instruction to Become Technologically Competent

With Jenny Wondrecek


Description: COVID-19 has changed the way attorneys work. Attorneys are suddenly doing everything in a remote world: working, communicating with clients, notarizing documents, participating in court proceedings, and similar activities. The duty of technology competence has been given new meaning in this new world. Law schools who are preparing students to be technologically competent must pivot and include new skills in their instruction. This session will discuss how we teach ethical duties of attorneys with regards to technology and how law schools are identifying and teaching new skills for the remote practice of law. 


  1. Discuss the ethical duties of attorney use and understanding of technology

  2. Identify essential skills for the remote practice of law

  3. Explore how law schools can better prepare students for this new style of practice

Slides from the presentation

Real name: 
Harvard Law School Library

Session Time Slot(s)

06/03/2021 - 17:00 to 06/03/2021 - 18:00